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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Saturday, September 17, 2011



Central Station

The reality of everyday life that “Central Station” shows is harsh. In the film, Dora (Fernanda Montenegro) is a bitter woman who makes her living in Rio’s Central Station writting letters for illiterate people. She takes their money but discards the letters.
One day she writes a letter for a mother and her little boy (Vinícius de Oliveira). When the mother is killed in an accident outside the station, Dora tries to sell the boy for adoption. Then she realizes her mistake, rescues the boy and the two set out on a bus trip to find his father. For Walter Salles, the director of the film, Dora is a good example of modern Brazil, with its culture of “cynicism”. But as Dora gradually develops a bond with the boy “she begins to understand that the boy’s route and the boy’s problems are comparable to her own”, he said.
The growing friendship between these two is, for Mr.Salles, a symbol of Brazil where solidarity and compassion may be buried but are still present. His film is not utopian, but it celebrates the diversity both of the land and of what Mr. Salles calls the “human geography” that Dora and Josué encounter on their journey.
(From “A Searching Journey into the Heart of Brazil,”by Laura Winters, In The New York Times, November 22,1998.) Adapted from New Password English, MARQUES, Amadeu (Vol.1)
  1. In the sentence, “But as Dora gradually develops a bond with the boy...” We deduce that she

  2. unites him to her as a bitter stepmother.
    feels linked to him.
    connects her feelings with his since they weren’t tramps.
    I’d probably
    shows a marked lack of affection in him.

  3. “The reality of everyday life that C Station shows is harsh.” HARSH may be replaced by

  4. cunning

  5. By reading "Dora tries to sell ...find his father.” We may conclude that Dora

  6. would have sold the boy for adoption if she hadn’t had notions of her mistake.
    would sell the boy for adoption if he didn’t help her during the trip.
    would have sold him if he hadn’t gone to her on a bus trip
    wouldn’t sell him unless he wanted to go with her on a bus trip.

Voltando à blogosfera!

Depois de um longo jejum, quase um ano sem postar, estou de volta à blogosfera. Resolvi me dedicar mais à Study English e como meu tempo está bem curto parei mesmo de postar.

Não queira nem saber que dia da semana é este, nem a horas em que eu estou escrevendo este post (e o próximo), muito menos onde eu estava, pois se eu te contar, você vai dizer que eu certamente estou maluco ou que preciso de amigos oi coisa do tipo. Não estou louco e tenho ótimos amigos, na verdade estava com alguns deles há algumas horas.

Mas voltando ao blog. Descobri uma ferramenta super legal neste site e fiquei com muita vontade de aplicar no blog. Acho que desde o começo dos QUICKIES isso era exatamente o que eu queria fazer, assim, com uma nova motivação, volto a postar. Ainda não sei se vou manter o blog focado no vestibular, mas um dia destes fiz uma visita a um blog que deveria ser sobre vestibular e achei muitas coisas que não tinham conexão com o vestiba ou com o aprendizado de inglês apenas.... Isso me fez pensar. Chega de papo! Este blog não nasceu pra ficar de papo!!!