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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hello, folks!

A aula de hoje é uma revisão gramatical de alguns ítens super importantes:


Siga as instruções e divirta-se!!

1- Escolha uma das palavras em negrito destacadas. ex: your/yours. Lembre-se que suas escolhas devem ser gramaticais, por tanto, NAO FAÇA OUVINDO A MÚSICA.

SUGESTÃO: clique em PLAY e baixe o volume ou deixe tocar alguns segundos e clique em PAUSE. Assim, o video vai estar carregado quando vc terminar a atividade gramatical!!!
Ha duas opcões de video. Uma acústica (minha preferida) a segunda é o clip original da música.

2- Ouça e verifique suas respostas

3-Se você tiver duvidas, é só clicar no link e comparar com a fonte!!!

have fun!!

"Big Girls Don't Cry"


  1. Da Da Da Da

  2. The smell of your/yours skin lingers on me now

  3. You’re / Your / Yours probably on your flight back to your home town

  4. I need some shelter of my / mine own protection baby

  5. To be with myself and center, clarity, peace, serenity

  6. [CHORUS]

  7. I hope you know, I hope you know

  8. That these /this has nothing to do with you

  9. It's/Its/It personal, Myself and I

  10. We've got some straightenin' out to do

  11. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their / theirs / his / her / hers blanket

  12. But I’ve got to get a move on with my life

  13. It's/Its/It time to be a big girl now

  14. And big girls don't cry, don't cry

  15. The path that I'm walking

  16. I must go / going / to go alone

  17. I must taking /to take / take the baby steps until I'm full grown

  18. Fairytales don’t have always / always don’t have / don't always have

  19. a happy ending, do they / does it ?

  20. And I foresee the dark ahead if I stayed/ will stay /stay

  21. [CHORUS]

  22. Like the little school mate in the school yard

  23. We'll play jacks and uno cards

  24. I’ll be your best friend and you'll be mine/my Valentine

  25. Yes you can hold my hand if you wanted / want / wants to / too / two

  26. Cause I want to hold yours / your too

  27. We’ll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds

  28. But It's/Its/It time for me/I to go home

  29. It's/Its/It getting late, dark outside

  30. I need to be with myself and center, clarity

  31. Peace, Serenity

  32. [CHORUS]

Fonte: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/fergie/biggirlsdontcry.html

That's all folks,

Teacher pyta

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hello folks!!!

Atendendo aos pedidos feitos em aula e por mail...
Algumas questões gramaticais rapidinhas!!!

1. (VUNESP) Qual alternativa correspondente à pergunta para a seguinte resposta:

"For two weeks."

a) How long have you had it?
b) How much time you have got it?
c) How many time do you have it?
d) There is how long you’ve got it?
e) How long did you had it?

2 . (FATEC-SP) Bob: ____________ have you worked here?
Ann: For about three months.

a) Why
b) When
c) Whatever
d) How long
e) Which time

3. (ITA) ______ are these shoes and ______ is this hat?

a) Who; whom
b) Those; that
c) These, this
d) Whose; whose
e) What; which

4. (UFRN) “_____ tall students are there in you school?”

a) How much
b) How old
c) How many
d) How high
e) How long

5. (M. Era.-RJ) Peter: _____ shall we go? By bus or by train?

Fred: _____ do you want to know?
Peter: _____ do you call your family on?
Fred: Twice a year.

a) When – Where – Why
b) What – Where – When
c) How – What else – How often
d) How far – What about – How many

6. (VUNESP) I have a _____ friends.

a) much
b) few
c) some
d) several
e) many

7. (ITA) Some people like to take _____ sugar with tea.

a) lot of
b) a lot of
c) few
d) many
e) very

8. (ITA) Would you like some candy? There’s _____ more of it.

a) plenty
b) enough
c) many
d) many a
e) lots of

9. (U. Mackenzie-SP) “Mary had _____ work to do: _____ dishes to wash, _____ clothes to iron, _____ pairs of pie to cook, but just _____ time to do it all.”

a) much – many – a few – a little – much
b) few – much – a few – many – many
c) a little – little – few – a few – much
d) much – many – many – many – little
e) many – many – few – few – many

10. (IME-RJ) I like watching this program because it’s got _____ advertising and _____ interruptions.

a) a few – little
b) little – few
c) quite a few – a little
d) little – quite a little
e) few – few

11. (F. Sto. André-SP) Pollution is a serious problem. There are _____ trees and _____ fresh air nowadays.

a) lots – few
b) much – less
c) few – many
d) many – fewer
e) fewer - less

12. (UFV-MG) There are _____ dangerous drivers in our city.

a) very many of
b) a lot of
c) a very lot of
d) too much of
e) very much of

13. (C. Líbero-SP) A: “How much money have you got?”
B: “_____.”

a) Few
b) Not many
c) A few
d) None

14. (FMU-SP) She eats _____ bread and drinks _____ coffee but _____ people prefer ______ dangerous calories.

a) many – much – few – much

b) much – many – much – little

c) much – little – many – few

d) little – much – much - few

e) many – many – few - many

15. (ESAL-MG) Yesterday I bought too _____ milk.

a) much

b) few

c) many

d) a lot of

e) any

That's all foks!!!



1 A
2 D
3 D
4 C
5 C
6 E
7 B
8 A
9 D
10 B
11 E
12 B
13 D
14 C
15 A

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Italian Man Who Went To Malta

aula de video!!

Caso os videos não toquem, você pode usar o YOU TUBE
video 1
video 2

video 3


1- Watch VIDEO 1 the video and try to understand what happened to the Italian tourist.



2- Watch the video again and try to find the following words. Do not use the dictionary watch the video and try to understand the meaning of the words by the context.

1. Peace _________________________________________

2. Sheet _________________________________________

3. beach _________________________________________

4. Fork _________________________________________

5. Piece _________________________________________

6. Piss _________________________________________

7. Plate _________________________________________

8. Bitch _________________________________________

9. Waitress _______________________________________

10. Spoon _________________________________________

11. Shit _________________________________________

12. Fuck _________________________________________

3- Watch VIDEO 2 and read the text. Were you right about what happened to him? Can you tell why he had problems in Malta?


The Italian who went to Malta

One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel. Ina morning I go down to eat breakfast. I tella waitress I wanna two pissis toast. She brings me only one piss. I tella her I want two piss. She say go to the toilet. I say, you no understand, I wanna piss onna my plate. She say you better no piss onna plate, you sonna ma bitch. I don't even know the lady and she call me sonna me bitch !

Later I go to eat at a bigga restaurant. The waitress brings me a spoon and a knife, but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock. She tell me everyone wanna fock. I tell her you no understand, I wanna fock on the table. She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna ma bitch.

So, I go back to my room inna hotel and there is no shits onna my bed. I call the manager and tella him I wanna shit. He tell me to go to toilet. I say you no understand. I wanna shit on my bed. He say you better not shit onna bed, you sonna ma bitch.

I go to the checkout and the man at the desk say: "Peace on you". I say piss on you too, you sonna ma bitch, I gonna back to Italy!!!


4- Last chance to understand: VIDEO 3

5- Can you correct the mistakes our Italian friend and the people who talked to

him made?

good luck!!!

Teacher Pyta

Sunday, November 04, 2007


O que serah q a leticia qz dzr com essa imgm?! hehehehehe

valeu leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Quickie10 !!! amostra do PEIES


The Essential Harry Potter Books

by J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury

Reviewed by Marisa Macieri

Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone - 1997, 224pp
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 1998, 256pp
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - 1999, 320pp
Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, - 2000, 642pp
Do you believe in Magic?
You have to when you consider the millions of young readers (and the not
so young ones too, when you think of it) who are “head over heel” fans of
Harry Potter.
Getting little kids away from video games, computers, or soccer isn’t
easy, especially if you try to convince them that reading is fun. In a world
of fast achievements, stress, rapid moving images, not every kid wants to
spend his time reading books.
J.K.Rowling made them change their minds and now kids and adults are
eagerly waiting for Harry’s new adventures in Hogwarts.
New Routes, October / 2000.

01) O principal objetivo do texto é:

a) estimular a criatividade através da leitura de histórias infantis.

b) apresentar os livros sobre as aventuras de Harry Potter.

c) demonstrar a importância da leitura para as crianças.

d) apontar os problemas dos jovens com computadores e video games.

e) comentar as peripécias de J. K. Rowling.

02) De acordo com o texto, os livros mencionados

I - ensinam as crianças a fazer mágicas.

II - conseguiram afastar as crianças de jogos, computadores e futebol.

III- interessam a adultos e crianças igualmente.

Está(ão) correta(s)

a) apenas I.

b) apenas I e II

c) apenas II e lII.

d) apenas III.

e) I, II e lII.

03) Na linha 14, a palavra “eagerly” pode ser traduzida por:

a) ansiosamente.

b) tradicionalmente.

c) engenhosamente.

d) principalmente.

e) completamente.

04) Assinale a alternativa que completa, corretamente, o texto:

Little kids _______ not like books. in fact, they do not want to spend _____ time reading books.

a) does – their

b) are - them

c) do - their

d) are - they

e) do - them

fonte da imagem:



1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c

Friday, November 02, 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007