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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Hello folks!!!

Atendendo aos pedidos feitos em aula e por mail...
Algumas questões gramaticais rapidinhas!!!

1. (VUNESP) Qual alternativa correspondente à pergunta para a seguinte resposta:

"For two weeks."

a) How long have you had it?
b) How much time you have got it?
c) How many time do you have it?
d) There is how long you’ve got it?
e) How long did you had it?

2 . (FATEC-SP) Bob: ____________ have you worked here?
Ann: For about three months.

a) Why
b) When
c) Whatever
d) How long
e) Which time

3. (ITA) ______ are these shoes and ______ is this hat?

a) Who; whom
b) Those; that
c) These, this
d) Whose; whose
e) What; which

4. (UFRN) “_____ tall students are there in you school?”

a) How much
b) How old
c) How many
d) How high
e) How long

5. (M. Era.-RJ) Peter: _____ shall we go? By bus or by train?

Fred: _____ do you want to know?
Peter: _____ do you call your family on?
Fred: Twice a year.

a) When – Where – Why
b) What – Where – When
c) How – What else – How often
d) How far – What about – How many

6. (VUNESP) I have a _____ friends.

a) much
b) few
c) some
d) several
e) many

7. (ITA) Some people like to take _____ sugar with tea.

a) lot of
b) a lot of
c) few
d) many
e) very

8. (ITA) Would you like some candy? There’s _____ more of it.

a) plenty
b) enough
c) many
d) many a
e) lots of

9. (U. Mackenzie-SP) “Mary had _____ work to do: _____ dishes to wash, _____ clothes to iron, _____ pairs of pie to cook, but just _____ time to do it all.”

a) much – many – a few – a little – much
b) few – much – a few – many – many
c) a little – little – few – a few – much
d) much – many – many – many – little
e) many – many – few – few – many

10. (IME-RJ) I like watching this program because it’s got _____ advertising and _____ interruptions.

a) a few – little
b) little – few
c) quite a few – a little
d) little – quite a little
e) few – few

11. (F. Sto. André-SP) Pollution is a serious problem. There are _____ trees and _____ fresh air nowadays.

a) lots – few
b) much – less
c) few – many
d) many – fewer
e) fewer - less

12. (UFV-MG) There are _____ dangerous drivers in our city.

a) very many of
b) a lot of
c) a very lot of
d) too much of
e) very much of

13. (C. Líbero-SP) A: “How much money have you got?”
B: “_____.”

a) Few
b) Not many
c) A few
d) None

14. (FMU-SP) She eats _____ bread and drinks _____ coffee but _____ people prefer ______ dangerous calories.

a) many – much – few – much

b) much – many – much – little

c) much – little – many – few

d) little – much – much - few

e) many – many – few - many

15. (ESAL-MG) Yesterday I bought too _____ milk.

a) much

b) few

c) many

d) a lot of

e) any

That's all foks!!!



1 A
2 D
3 D
4 C
5 C
6 E
7 B
8 A
9 D
10 B
11 E
12 B
13 D
14 C
15 A

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