About Me

- Teacher Pyta
- Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Child Labor
Most of us would be horrified to support a business that exploits children. But you may have done just that on your last shopping trip.
Labor Organization - ILO.
Answer questions 1 to 3 according to the text.
1. After reading the text we can say that:
a) boys and girls aged between five and fourteen are the only ones who benefit from
exploitative labor.
b) child labor isn’t a serious problem in some areas of the world.
c) developed countries eliminated child labor a long time ago.
d) 250 million adolescents work under dangerous conditions.
e) the exploitation of children is a global problem.
2. Which question below can be answered according to the ideas contained in the text?
a) Why is child labor expanding?
b) How much did the carpet cost?
c) Was the ball a birthday present?
d) Where do children work for almost no payment?
e) Are soccer balls produced only for children in Pakistan?
3. Na frase“… But you MAY HAVE DONE JUST THAT on your last shopping trip.”, as palavras em destaque indicam:
b) involuntary help to incite public opinion against child exploitation.
c) intentional contribution to a campaign against child labor.
d) accidental visit to a country that condemns child abuse.
e) voluntary assistance to child laborers.
1. E
2. D
3. A
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
free tibet
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Multiple Intelligences in the ESL Classroom
From Kenneth Beare
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at
Verbal / Linguistic
Explanation and understanding through the use of words.
This is the most common means of teaching. In the most traditional sense, the teacher teaches and the students learn. However, this can also be turned around and students can help each other understand concepts. While teaching to other types of intelligences is extremely important, this type of teaching focuses on using language and will continue to play the primary role in learning English.
Visual / Spatial
Explanation and comprehension through the use of pictures, graphs, maps, etc.
This type of learning gives students visual clues to help them remember language.
In my opinion, the use of visual, spatial and situational clues is probably the reason learning a language in an English speaking country (
Body / Kinesthetic
Ability to use the body to express ideas, accomplish tasks, create moods, etc.
This type of learning combines physical actions with linguistic responses and are very helpful for tying language to actions. In other words, repeating "I'd like to pay by credit card." in a dialogue is much less effective than having a student act out a role-play in which he pulls out his wallet and says, "I'd like to pay by credit card."
Ability to get along with others, work with others to accomplish tasks.
Group learning is based on interpersonal skills. Not only do students learn while speaking to others in an "authentic" setting, they develop English speaking skills while reacting to others. Obviously, not all learners have excellent interpersonal skills. For this reason, group work needs to be balanced with other activities.
Logical / Mathematical
Use of logic and mathematical models to represent and work with ideas.
Grammar analysis falls into this type of learning style. Many teachers feel that English teaching syllabi are too loaded towards grammar analysis which has little to do with communicative ability. Nonetheless, using a balanced approach, grammar analysis has its place in the classroom. Unfortunately, because of certain standardized teaching practices, this type of teaching sometimes tends to dominate the classroom.
Ability to recognize and communicate using melody, rhythm, and harmony.
This type of learning is sometimes underestimated in ESL classrooms. If you keep in mind that English is a very rhythmic language because of its tendency to accent only certain words, you'll recognize that music plays a role in the classroom as well.
Learning through self-knowledge leading to understanding of motives, goals, strengths and weaknesses.
This intelligence is essential for long-term English learning. Students who are aware of these types of issues will be able to deal with underlying issues that can improve or hamper English usage.
Ability to recognize elements of and learn from the natural world around us.
Similar to visual and spatial skills, Environmental intelligence will help students master English required to interact with their environment.
- The last line of this paragraph was rewritten here:
Here is a discussion of the eight different intelligences Dr. Gardner proposes and _______ relationship to the ESL / EFL classroom.
Note that there is a blank space in it. This blank space could be filled in correctly by:
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) their
e) theirs
- De acordo com o texto, qual modo de ensinar continuará a ser o mais usado no aprendizado de inglês?
a) Verbal / Linguistic
b) Visual / spacial
c) Body / Kinesthetic
d) Interpersonal
e) NDA
- O texto
I- Informa que estudos no Canada, Estados Unidos e Inglaterra comprovam que alunos extrangeiros estudando inglês nestes paises terão seu aprendizado mais eficiente
II- “Intrapersonal” é o tipo de inteligência de quem tem a habilidade de conhecer, por exemplo, seus pontos fracos.
III- “Environmental” é o tipo de inteligência dos que se preocupam com o mundo natural.
IV – Inteligência do tipo “Musical” as vezes é subestimada na aula de inglês.
Estão certas:
a) I e IV
b) Apenas a III
c) II e IV
d) III e IV
e) II, III e IV
- a palavra “nonetheless” linha (xx) poderia ser substituída sem alteração de sentido por:
a) and
b) instead of
c) moreover
d) forward
e) however
5) “Get along” em “Ability to get along with others, work with others to accomplish tasks.” (linha XXX). Poderia ser traduzido
a) manter-se distante
b) ter um longo
c) obter algo mais
d) relacionar-se bem
e) so longo de
1- d
A palavra que falta é um pronome do caso possessivo e o mesmo concorda com a palavra “intelligences”.2- a
No texto a frase : and [verbal linguistic] will continue to play the primary role in learning English
3- c
O autor informa que a razão pela qual estudantes têm mais facilidade de aprender em países de língua inglesa é o fato de terem como inteligência a “visual / spatial”. O que sinceramente é uma grande bobagem, a final, é possível aprender qualquer língua sem TER DE visitar o país de origem desta língua.
4- E
5- B
sim, agora vai dizer que quer que eu explique isso também?! HAHAHAHA
Ok, nao explico, mas ajudo: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/get+along
that's all, folks!!
Teacher Pyta
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Putting Trash to Curbside(closeup)
uma video explicação da palavra que aparece na pagina 2 da segunda apostila!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
(QUICKIE 17) Subway: Five Dollar Footlong Monster
Jingle Hell
The diabolical geniuses behind Subway's "five-dollar foot-long" song.
By Seth Stevenson
Posted Monday, April 21, 2008, at 7:21 AM ET
The Spot: Various people and creatures (a police officer, a flight attendant, a Godzilla-type monster) hold up five fingers and then, using their outstretched palms, indicate a distance of roughly one foot. Meanwhile, a song plays. The lyrics, repeated again and again: "Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-long."
For a limited time, Subway is offering a special deal: foot-long subs for $5. Foot-longs were once Subway's "stock in trade," according to Chief Marketing Officer Tony Pace, but in recent years the smaller 6-inch subs have overtaken them in popularity. (The 6-inchers are often sold as part of a package deal—including a drink and a snack—designed to compete with other fast food outlets' value meals.) "We wanted to get back to our heritage," says Pace, "as a place where you can get a foot-long sub."
1) A palavra "their" em: "...using their outstretched palms..." refere-se a:
a) Godzilla
b) people
c) five fingers
d) people and creatures
e) flight attendant
2) A palavra "extended" poderia ser colocada no texto substituindo, sem alteraçao de sentido
a) roughly
b) overtaken
c) outstretched
d) meanwhile
e) outlets
3) O texto:
a) Descreve um comercial de um novo produto da Subway.
b) Anuncia a estréia de um novo filme.
c) Informa sobre os perigos da "fast food" para a saúde.
d) Critica a diminuição no tamanho do sanduíche.
e) Critica o aumento no preço do sanduíche.
4) De acordo com o texto, "people and creatures hold up five fingers" para:
a) informar o preço do produto.
b) informar o tamanho do produto.
c) convencer as pessoas a pararem de consumir "fast food".
d) demonstrar as 5 vantagens da promoção.
e) informar preço e tamanho do produto.
1- d
2 - deixa de preguiça e usa o dicionário do blog. Digita no dicionário a palavra da alternativa que vc acha q está certa e confere! TE LIGA!!
3 - a
4- BONÍSSIMA pergunta!
se você assistiu o video, nao é preciso nem pensar muito para responder letra 'e'.
mas se você ler o seguinte trecho:
"...indicate a distance of roughly one foot. Meanwhile, a song plays. The lyrics, repeated again and again: "Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-long...."
verá que as palavras em negrito ajudam a chegar na letra 'e'!!
that's all folks!!
Teacher Pyta
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hello folks!!!
Let's practice, shall we?!
(TTN) Latin American Banks
Brazil and Argentina in particular are attracting the attention of foreign banks, but for different reasons. In the bad old days of hyperinflation, Argentines reacted by buying dollars and keeping them in secret places at home. As a result, the banking system did not develop much. ln Brazil, on the other hand, people learned to live with inflation by indexing prices. The Brazilian banks needed sophisticated technology to collect and invest money instantaneously.
Today, a foreign company that buys a bank in Argentina can encourage new sectors of the population to open bank accounts. In Brazil, foreign investors can develop the financial services market for products such as credit cards, mortgages and consumer loans.
1) According to paragraph 1 of the text, in Latin America there is a revolution in:
a) population growth.
b) the banking sector.
c) inflation control.
d) the size of economies.
e) fiscal reform.
2) According to paragraph 2, when inflation was high, people in Brazil and Argentina:
a) reacted in different ways.
b) changed all their savings into dollars.
c) tried to live with sophisticated technology.
d) attracted the interest of foreign banks.
e) stayed at home as much as possible.
3)According to the text, banks in Argentina are
a) more profitable than banks in Brazil.
b) cheaper to buy than banks in Brazil.
c) less developed than banks in Brazil.
d) more complex than banks in Brazil.
e) safer places to keep money than banks in Brazil.
1. b
2. a
3. c
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spanish for your Nanny
Tirem as crianças da frente do pc!
contra o preconceito, presença de espírito!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
a) my; he; me; my.
b) my; it; me; mine.
c) mine; he; me; mine.
d) my; it; me; me.
e) mine; it; me; mine.
02) Look at____________ in the mirror and tell me if your face is clean.
a) himsef.
b) herself.
c) themselves.
d) yourself.
e) itself.
03) Those are____toys.________belong to______. The toys are_________
a) hers; they; her; theirs.
b) her; it; hers; her.
c) his; they; his; his.
d) her; they; her; her.
e) her; they; her; hers.
04) They took tools with________
a) their.
b) theirs.
c) themselves.
d) them.
e) theirself.
05) He closed the door behind_______
a) him.
b) his.
c) himself.
d) himselves.
e) he.
06) You or _____ must tell her who broke the vase.
a) myself.
b) I.
c) me.
d) oneself.
e) one.
07) The cars race down the hill. We heard_______ pass our horse.
a) them.
b) its.
c) it.
d) they.
e) he.
8) Ann was so mad about the car crash she had in the afternoon that she could not help being rude to____________.
a) herself.
b) him.
c) she.
d) hers.
e) he.
9) I promised_______ a Play Station 3 at Christmas.
a) themselves.
b) they.
c) their.
d) theirs.
e) them.
10) (PUC-SP) A man who thinks too much of ______________is rarely admired by other men.
a) yourself.
b) himself.
c) herself.
d) itself.
e) themselves.
11) (PUC-SP) Anna and Roberta are in the same class but she is older than________________ is.
a) him.
b) he.
c) she.
d) himself.
e) her.
11) (PUC-SP - modified) Anna and Roberta are in the same class but she is older than________________ .
a) him.
b) he.
c) she.
d) himself.
e) her.
1. b
2. d
3. e
4. c
5. d
6. b
7. a
8. b
9. e
10. b
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Aprenda a fazer panquecas com Bárbara Spohr
Com uma ajuda da famosa cozinheira Bárbara Spohr, meu almoço de domingo está salvo!! obrigado Bárbara pela iniciativa!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
(Blog de férias) Way Back Into Love
Esta música é "Way Back Into Love" da trilha sonora do filme Letra e Música!
fonte: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qAM2zRE3GI
Blog de férias.
(Blog de férias) Way Back Into Love
Sem muito pra fazer e sem muita vontade de fazer muito, nas férias vou mudar o foco do blog e postar livremente sobre o que der vontade!!
Esta música é "Way Back Into Love" da trilha sonora do filme Letra e Música!
fonte: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBeG_UNflBg