About Me

- Teacher Pyta
- Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Súplica à América
de Emanuel Neves
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
JibJab-This Land
funny clip from Jib Jab This land Bush: This land is your land, this land is my land I’m a Texas tiger, you’re a liberal weiner I’m a great crusader, you’re a herman munster This land will surely vote for me Kerry: This land is your land, this land is my land I’m an intellectual, you’re a stupid dumb ass I’m a purple heart winner, and yes its true, I won it thrice This land will surely vote for me Bush: You have more waffles than a house of pancakes You offer flip flops, I offer tax breaks You’re a U.N. pussy and yes its true that I kick ass This land will surely vote for me Kerry: You cant say nuclear, that really scares me Sometimes a brain can... come in quite handy But its not gonna help you, because I won three purple hearts This land will surely vote for me Bush: You’re a liberal sissy Kerry: You’re a right wing nut job Bush: You’re a pink coat comey Kerry: You’re as dumb as a doorknob Bush: (HEY) You got that Botox Kerry: But I still won three purple hearts Both: This land will surely vote for me Indian: (talking) This land was my land People: But now its our land Schwarzenegger: From California Clinton: To the New York Is... hey what'd I do?? Kerry: From the liberal weiners Bush: To the right wing nut jobs Kerry: This land belongs Bush: This land belongs Both: This land belongs to you and me Bush: (YEAH) oh and Dick Cheney too! |
JibJab Second Term
Funny JibJab video about Bush's second presidential term. Second Term 1. Yes, I’m comin’ back to serve a second term. 2. This time I won the national elec-she-un! 3. Oh, thanks to you O-hi-a, 4. And dear brother Jebedia, 5. We get four more years to rule in Washington! 6. Good God he’s comin’ back to serve a second term. 7. We were hoping in ’04 we’d get a turn. 8. But we lost the vicious battle, 9. Now they’re stuck without a paddle! 10. Who will save us from con-ser-va-tiz-eum? 11. I will stabalize Iraq in my second term. 12. And I will amend the con-sti-tu-sheun. 13. Then I’ll eliminate all the taxes, 14. That are breakin; all our back-siz. 15. And push for more pri-vat-i-za-she-un! 16. We cannot believe he won a second term. 17. He destroyed the trans-atlantic alli-unce! 18. Heck, I’ll extend a friendly offer, 19. Barbeque and beers in Crawford! 20. Mending fences broken by pre-emp-she-un! 21. We want peace on earth throughout his second term. 22. We want Iraqis to have free elec-she-uns. 23. There’s a beef here, let’s dispatch it, 24. And bury that ol’ hatchet. 25. Yes, we’ve been through stormy weather, 26. Now it’s time to work together! 27. Gather round the ol’ chuck wagon, 28. It’s a grand time we’ll be havin’, 29. In the four years he has left in Wash-ing-ton! |
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Call us sentimental, but you can't beat a good old family reunion to give you a warm glow all over. Especially if you know it's the first of many. That's why we took a chair back to a forest, to see the next generation of trees growing up healthy and strong in its place. A sort of trip back to its roots.
We've been working hard to make sure all wood comes from well managed forests, both temperate and tropical, where timber harvesting is carefully regulated, to allow for regrowth.
Working in conjunction with timber traders, foresters, certification organizations, indigenous peoples' groups and environmental institutions, we helped to set up the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
The primary aim of this organization is to promote sustainable forest management, awarding certificates to the ones that make the grade. All wood from these forests is stamped with the FSC trademark, so you can buy it with a clear conscience.
In many countries, major retailers are becoming part of WWF sponsored Buyers Groups, committed to buying timber and wood products only from well managed forests. Companies in Germany, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, the UK and the USA are already on board.
In the UK alone, the Buyers Group includes at least 70 companies. These companies account for almost one third of all wood products traded annually in the UK, with a value of several billion US dollars.
This work, combined with our other major campaigns to address climate change and promote sustainable fishing practices, should help us go a long way towards restoring the balance of nature.
Your own company could easily get involved too. Next time you replace your furniture, or stationery, insist on it having the FSC trademark. If you're not responsible for the buying, it's worth telling the person who is.
The more demand there is for wood approved by the FSC, the easier it will be to convince more forest owners to work with us to save the world's forests.
Please contact us with your ideas, your involvement or even money. After all, we've got millions of babies to look after now.
Aprenda mais sobre o assunto
Choose the right answer
1. The text belongs to the following type
a) advertisement
b) letter
c) newspaper
d) interview
e) manual
2. The text is about
a) The world demand for food
b) The regulations of the wood trade
c) The investmants in the wood market
d) The sustainable exploitation in the wood market
e) Sponsoring the preservation of the rain forest
3. The text aims at
a) criticizing
b) analizing
c) persuading
d) informing
e) instructing
4.The pronoun “that” (IN BOLD) refers to
a) the ones
b) certificates
c) the grade
d) management
e) aim
5. Choose the right alternative according to the text
a) Seventy companies or even more are members of the Buyers Group.
b) About seventeen companies are members of the buyers club.
c ) Seventeen companies or even more are members of the Buyers Group.
d) Less than seventy companies are members of the Buyers Group.
e) not more than seventy companies are members of the Buyers Group.
6. “If you are not responsible for the buying, it’s worth telling the person who is”. The word “if” in the sentence above conveys an idea of...
a) contrast
b) conclusion
c) time
d) cause
Have a nice week!
Answers next week!
Teacher Pyta

Madame Tussaud's wax museum has life-like figures of famous people done in wax but the bodies on display at the Human Body Exhibitions worldwide are created from real human flesh and bones of dead human bodies that have been preserved so they do not decay.
You will see muscles, brain, eyes, lungs, internal body organs, even a preserved fetus but no human skin. The bodies depict the internal state of muscles, bones and other organ during routine activities like reading, playing soccer, standing on his feet or holding a tennis racquet.
The human specimen are preserved according to standard mortuary science then immersed in acetone, which eliminates all body water. A visit to Bodies Exhihibition will probably change the way you think about your body beneath the skin. Human Anatomy turned into a visual art
FONTE: http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/07/exposed-human-skin-goes-missing-at.html