The audio is from Gaucha AM.
About Me

- Teacher Pyta
- Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Bush and Condee Hu's on first
Este vai dar o que falar!!!
a piada eh velha mas ficou otima!!!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
UFSM 2002
By Richard Corliss
- Stars do it. Sports do it. Judges in the highest courts do it. Let's do it:
- that yoga thing. A path to enlightenment that winds back 5,000 years
- in its native India, yoga has suddenly become so hot, so cool, so very
- this minute. It's the exercise cum meditation for the new millennium,
- one that doesn't so much pump you up as bliss you out.
- Is yoga more than the power of positive breathing? Can’t it, say, cure
- cancer? Is yoga, in other words, a science?
- By even asking the question, we provoke a clash of two powerful cultures,
- two very different ways of looking at the world. The Indian tradition
- develops metaphors and ways of describing the body (life forces, energy
- centers) as it is experienced, from the inside out. The Western tradition
- looks at the body from the outside in. The East treats the person; the West
- treats the disease. "Our system of medicine is very fragmented," says Dr.
- Carrie Demers, who runs the Center for Health and Healing at the
- Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy of the
- USA in Honesdale, Pa. "We send you to different specialists to look at
- different parts of you. Yoga is more holistic; it's interested in the
- integration of body, breath and mind"
01. 0 texto
a) lista os prós e contras da Yoga.
b) leva ao descrédito as práticas da Yoga.
c) questiona a origem da Yoga.
d) elogia os métodos da medicina ocidental.
e) enfatiza a força positiva da Yoga para o bem-estar do ser humano.
02. Considere as afirmações a seguir.
I- Há um crescente interesse pela Yoga.
II- A Yoga não é uma prática milenar.
III- A visão da prática médica oriental é fragmentada.
Está(ão) correta(s)
a) apenas I.
b) apenas I e II.
c) apenas II e III.
d) apenas II. e) I, II e III.
03. A expressão "so very this minute" (l. 3 e 4) tem sentido semelhante a
a) energetic.
b) gradual.
c) fashionable.
d) fast.
e) powerful.
04. A expressão "Let's do it" (l. 1) está relacionada à idéia de.
a) contraste
b) exemplificação.
c) dúvida.
d) exigência. e) convite.
05. Se o sujeito da oração “ that winds back 5,000 years in its native India" (l. 2-3) se referisse a uma expressão no plural e fosse mantido o tempo verbal, os termos sublinhados
a) ficariam inalterados.
b) seriam trocados para "winded" e'their'.
c) se transformariam em "winded" e "it".
d) seriam substituídos por "wind" e 'their'.
e) passariam para "wind" e 'theirs".
06. Observe que, na linha 1, o "it" se repete. A que se refere?
a) Stars. b) Sports. c) Judges. d) India. e) Yoga.
07. A melhor tradução para o termo bliss out em " ... one that doesn't so much pump you up as bliss you out" (l. 5) é
a) auxilia.
b) alegra.
c) transforma.
d) adequa.
e) capacita
08. Assinale a alternativa que melhor completa o sentido do período: There is great evidence of the benefits of Yoga, ______________ some people still question this practice.
a) consequenfly
b) thus
c) however
d) despite
e) while
1 e 2 a 3 c 4 e 5 d 6 e 7 b 8 c
Friday, November 10, 2006
1000 words

para aqueles q sabem usar o word melhor q eu...
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
dove: campaign for real beauty
Hey fellas!
para aqueles q nao lembraram, ai estah o video daquela aula!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006

1. India has a busy and exciting movie industry. It produces more than 300 three-
2. hour blockbusters every year. The Indian people love the “big screen”. “We give
3. the people dreams” says Anupam Kishani, one of India’s great actors. “When
4. they watch our films, they can escape from their lives for a time”.
5. Satish Arnad is a movie director. He is working on a new, big, and expensive
6. blockbuster in the studios of Bombay’s “film city”, the home of India’s movie
7. industry.
8. “This movie has all the right ingredients,” he says. “There are songs, dances,
9. fights, love scenes, and a good story. We have two of India’s great stars in it, too.”
10. In the studio, the day’s work is starting. Hundreds of people are ______ around;
11. everyone is doing their job: carrying equipment, making tea, checking cameras,
12. talking to the producer or one of the actresses. There is a lot of noise. Suddenly it
13. stops. The actress is in front of the camera; she is looking at a pice of paper...
14. Satish Arnard calls “action!”... and the cameras start. Another Bombay blockbuster,
15. Deewana, is nearly ready for the movie theathers of India.
1. What sort of text is it?
a) a letter b) an article c) a movie script d) a menu
2. Where is it from?
a) an encyclopedia b) a cookbook c) a magazine d) a diary
3. What do you think the topic is?
a) cooking b) advertising c) theme parks d)movie-making
4. Na linha de número 10 uma palavra foi omitida, troque pela alternativa correta:
a) run b) runs c) running d) runing e) ran
5. Se a expressao “and the cameras start” (linha 14) estivesse no singular deveria ficar assim:
a) and the camera starts
b) and a camera start
c) and one camera start
d) and a camera is starting
e) and the camera is startting
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Respostas pra página 20!

Se vc ficou curioso(a) sobre as respostas pro quiz da pg 20, ai está o link prometido!!
have fun!!,,666475,00.html
Thursday, September 28, 2006

1. Everyone allows students of English to have occasional problems with the English
2. language. Native speakers, however, are expected to be immune to difficulties. This is
3. unfair. In hearing the language from birth, native speakers acquire all the mistakes and
4. misunderstandings made by their parents, friends and colleagues. Thankfully English is
5. versatile enough for these errors, not to matter too much. The language remains
6. intelligible and understandable even when it is full of mistakes. But it is no bad thing for
7. these “native” mistakes to be corrected and this is what the good word guide has send
8. out to. Martin Manser has listed the 2.000 words and expressions that are the most
9. frequently misused and provides a concise explanation of the reasons for the error and,
10. more importantly, what the correct usage is. It may come as a shock to some to realize
11. they have been speaking incorrectly for years, but now is as good a time as any to find
12. that out.
01. A alternativa correta de acordo com o texto é
a) Even native speakers need correction for their mistakes
b) Students of English make lots of mistakes.
c) English is an extremely difficult language to be learned.
d) To learn a language you need a very good dictionary
e) There are 2.000 words and expressions in English.
2. A forma passiva da frase “ everyone allows students of English to have problems” (linha 1) é “Students of English have problems”.
a) Were allowed
b) Have been allowed
c) Allow
d) Are allowed
e) Will be allowed
03. A palavra “however” (linha 2) pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por:
a) Therefore
b) Consequently
c) On the other hand
d) As a result of
e) Needless to say
04. The word “their” (line 4) refers to:
a) Native speakers
b) Difficulties
c) Mistakes and misunderstandings
d) Parents, friends and colleagues
e) Languages
back to action!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Súplica à América
de Emanuel Neves
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
JibJab-This Land
funny clip from Jib Jab This land Bush: This land is your land, this land is my land I’m a Texas tiger, you’re a liberal weiner I’m a great crusader, you’re a herman munster This land will surely vote for me Kerry: This land is your land, this land is my land I’m an intellectual, you’re a stupid dumb ass I’m a purple heart winner, and yes its true, I won it thrice This land will surely vote for me Bush: You have more waffles than a house of pancakes You offer flip flops, I offer tax breaks You’re a U.N. pussy and yes its true that I kick ass This land will surely vote for me Kerry: You cant say nuclear, that really scares me Sometimes a brain can... come in quite handy But its not gonna help you, because I won three purple hearts This land will surely vote for me Bush: You’re a liberal sissy Kerry: You’re a right wing nut job Bush: You’re a pink coat comey Kerry: You’re as dumb as a doorknob Bush: (HEY) You got that Botox Kerry: But I still won three purple hearts Both: This land will surely vote for me Indian: (talking) This land was my land People: But now its our land Schwarzenegger: From California Clinton: To the New York Is... hey what'd I do?? Kerry: From the liberal weiners Bush: To the right wing nut jobs Kerry: This land belongs Bush: This land belongs Both: This land belongs to you and me Bush: (YEAH) oh and Dick Cheney too! |
JibJab Second Term
Funny JibJab video about Bush's second presidential term. Second Term 1. Yes, I’m comin’ back to serve a second term. 2. This time I won the national elec-she-un! 3. Oh, thanks to you O-hi-a, 4. And dear brother Jebedia, 5. We get four more years to rule in Washington! 6. Good God he’s comin’ back to serve a second term. 7. We were hoping in ’04 we’d get a turn. 8. But we lost the vicious battle, 9. Now they’re stuck without a paddle! 10. Who will save us from con-ser-va-tiz-eum? 11. I will stabalize Iraq in my second term. 12. And I will amend the con-sti-tu-sheun. 13. Then I’ll eliminate all the taxes, 14. That are breakin; all our back-siz. 15. And push for more pri-vat-i-za-she-un! 16. We cannot believe he won a second term. 17. He destroyed the trans-atlantic alli-unce! 18. Heck, I’ll extend a friendly offer, 19. Barbeque and beers in Crawford! 20. Mending fences broken by pre-emp-she-un! 21. We want peace on earth throughout his second term. 22. We want Iraqis to have free elec-she-uns. 23. There’s a beef here, let’s dispatch it, 24. And bury that ol’ hatchet. 25. Yes, we’ve been through stormy weather, 26. Now it’s time to work together! 27. Gather round the ol’ chuck wagon, 28. It’s a grand time we’ll be havin’, 29. In the four years he has left in Wash-ing-ton! |
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Call us sentimental, but you can't beat a good old family reunion to give you a warm glow all over. Especially if you know it's the first of many. That's why we took a chair back to a forest, to see the next generation of trees growing up healthy and strong in its place. A sort of trip back to its roots.
We've been working hard to make sure all wood comes from well managed forests, both temperate and tropical, where timber harvesting is carefully regulated, to allow for regrowth.
Working in conjunction with timber traders, foresters, certification organizations, indigenous peoples' groups and environmental institutions, we helped to set up the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
The primary aim of this organization is to promote sustainable forest management, awarding certificates to the ones that make the grade. All wood from these forests is stamped with the FSC trademark, so you can buy it with a clear conscience.
In many countries, major retailers are becoming part of WWF sponsored Buyers Groups, committed to buying timber and wood products only from well managed forests. Companies in Germany, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, the UK and the USA are already on board.
In the UK alone, the Buyers Group includes at least 70 companies. These companies account for almost one third of all wood products traded annually in the UK, with a value of several billion US dollars.
This work, combined with our other major campaigns to address climate change and promote sustainable fishing practices, should help us go a long way towards restoring the balance of nature.
Your own company could easily get involved too. Next time you replace your furniture, or stationery, insist on it having the FSC trademark. If you're not responsible for the buying, it's worth telling the person who is.
The more demand there is for wood approved by the FSC, the easier it will be to convince more forest owners to work with us to save the world's forests.
Please contact us with your ideas, your involvement or even money. After all, we've got millions of babies to look after now.
Aprenda mais sobre o assunto
Choose the right answer
1. The text belongs to the following type
a) advertisement
b) letter
c) newspaper
d) interview
e) manual
2. The text is about
a) The world demand for food
b) The regulations of the wood trade
c) The investmants in the wood market
d) The sustainable exploitation in the wood market
e) Sponsoring the preservation of the rain forest
3. The text aims at
a) criticizing
b) analizing
c) persuading
d) informing
e) instructing
4.The pronoun “that” (IN BOLD) refers to
a) the ones
b) certificates
c) the grade
d) management
e) aim
5. Choose the right alternative according to the text
a) Seventy companies or even more are members of the Buyers Group.
b) About seventeen companies are members of the buyers club.
c ) Seventeen companies or even more are members of the Buyers Group.
d) Less than seventy companies are members of the Buyers Group.
e) not more than seventy companies are members of the Buyers Group.
6. “If you are not responsible for the buying, it’s worth telling the person who is”. The word “if” in the sentence above conveys an idea of...
a) contrast
b) conclusion
c) time
d) cause
Have a nice week!
Answers next week!
Teacher Pyta

Madame Tussaud's wax museum has life-like figures of famous people done in wax but the bodies on display at the Human Body Exhibitions worldwide are created from real human flesh and bones of dead human bodies that have been preserved so they do not decay.
You will see muscles, brain, eyes, lungs, internal body organs, even a preserved fetus but no human skin. The bodies depict the internal state of muscles, bones and other organ during routine activities like reading, playing soccer, standing on his feet or holding a tennis racquet.
The human specimen are preserved according to standard mortuary science then immersed in acetone, which eliminates all body water. A visit to Bodies Exhihibition will probably change the way you think about your body beneath the skin. Human Anatomy turned into a visual art
Thursday, July 27, 2006
"Spam" is a popular Monty Python sketch, first broadcast in 1970. In the sketch, two customers are trying to order a breakfast from a menu that includes the processed meat product in almost every item. The term spam (in electronic communication) is derived from this sketch. Continues at: E-mail spam is a subset of spam that involves sending nearly identical messages to thousands (or millions) of recipients by E-mail. Perpetrators of such spam ("spammers") often harvest addresses of prospective recipients from Usenet postings or from web pages, obtain them from databases, or simply guess them by using common names and domains. By popular definition, spam occurs without the permission of the recipients. Learn more at Se vc qzr ler e ouvir o dialogo visite: Special thanx to GABI - A Estrela Da Manhã!! |

vc pode postar as respostas durante esta semana!!!
This week a grammar quick!
1 Susan: "Do you intend to buy that book ?”
Karen: "Yes.................”
a) I am b) I don't c) I do d) I intend e) I did
2 As the speaker was speaking in a low voice, I couldn't hear him and my companion couldn't ................
a) also b) either c) too d) neither e) each
3. Complete com o discurso direto
She said: "I can speak six languages fluently".
She said (that) ....................................................
a) she could speak six languages fluently.
b) she spoke six languages fluently.
c) she could spoke six languages fluently.
d) she has spoke six languages fluently.
e) she can spoke six languages fluently.
E bom comeco de agosto!!!!

1 d
2 a (Last year’s estimated 1.000 child killings actually represented an improvement: the average figure for the previous three years was more than 1.500.)
improvement: melhora
last year: olhe a data do texto (1992)
3 b
4 e
5 c
Obrigado a todos pela participação.
Será que algum dia resolveremos este grave problema em nosso país?
ANSWERS: Bush singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

time o check ur answers!!
Have a look @ and compare with what u heard!!.
and if you want to learn more about the song, just go to
Se quizer saber mais sobre a canção clica em
obrigado a todos q participaram da atividade!!
thank u all for joining the listening activity!!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
LISTENING!!! Bush singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
Listening (easy) Jogo dos 8 erros. Resolvi mudar algumas palavras da letra da música. Será q você é capaz de dizer quais são? Não vale checar na letra original, ok? Pra saber a resposta é só procurar a letra original! Boa sorte Sunday Bloody Sunday U2 I can't understand the news today I can't close my ice And make it go away How long... How long must we sing this song? How long? too long! For too long! Tonight... we can be as one Tonight Broken bottles under childrens's feet Bodies strewn across the dead end streets But I won't heed the battle cow It puts my back up Puts my back up against the door Sunday, Bloody Sunday And the battle's just begun There's many lost, but tell me who has one The trench is dug within our hurts Mothers, children, fathers, sisters Torn apart Wipe the tears from your eyes Wipe your tears away I'll wipe your tears away Sunday, Bloody Sunday And it's true we are immune When fact is fiction and TV reality And today the millions cry We it and drink while tomorrow they die Sunday, Bloody Sunday Thanks to and Rx @ Greets to arstechnica! |
Friday, July 21, 2006
(Newsweek / May, 1992)
a) o problema das crianças que matam nas ruas de nosso país;
b) os maiores de 18 anos, que matam as crianças no Brasil;
c) as crianças de ruas mortas, no Brasil, de 1500 a 1970;
d) o problema das crianças de rua assassinadas todos os anos no Brasil;
e) o movimento social, que acabou com os assassinatos das crianças de rua em 1970.
a) no ano de 1991, a média de mortes de crianças de rua diminuiu em relação aos três anos anteriores;
b) o ano de 1991 teve um índice maior de assassinatos de crianças de rua;
c) as crianças de rua têm morrido de fome;
d) as crianças de rua têm matado muitos menores de 18 anos;
e) os assassinatos de crianças começaram em 1970.
a) as crianças estão nas ruas do Brasil;
b) as crianças de rua do Brasil;
c) as ruas do Brasil estão cheias de crianças;
d) as crianças de um Brasil estreito;
e) o Brasil com crianças de rua.
a) kids = crianças
b) war = guerra
c) under = abaixo
d) improvement = melhora
e) actually = atualmente
a) He is being murdering kids.
b) Somebody is being murdering kids.
c) Somebody is murdering kids.
d) Kids are murdering.
e) He is been murdered kid.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Aqui estão algumas respostas do QUIZ da copa!
Estas são as posições dos jogadores:
- Goalkeeper
José Luis Chilavert
- Centre-back
Alessandro Nesta
- Sweeper
Rafael Marquez
- Fullback
Roberto Carlos
- Centre Midfield
Michael Ballack
- Defensive Midfielder
- Attacking Midfielder
- Winger David
- Striker
Ruud van Nistelrooy
Friday, July 14, 2006

Chocolate That Won't Melt !!!!!!!!!
Chocolate is not widely consumed in the tropics, even though that's where most of the world's cocoa is produced.
The reason: It's too hot.
High temperatures in countries such as Nigeria reduce chocolate into a sticky, gooey mess.
Food scientists have been trying to remedy this situation for decades, and now researchers in Nigeria believe they are close to achieving the holy grail among chocolate manufacturers: a heat-resistant chocolate that actually tastes like chocolate.
read more at:,2933,203599,00.html
read about chocolate and SEX:
Thursday, July 13, 2006

"QUICKie" is a reading project to help students in their preparation to Vestibular. You will be able to find some reading / vocabulary / grammar activities here every week!
The best of luck,
They make up about half of all written English!!!!!!
about, after, all, am, an, and, are, as, at, back, be, because, been, big, but, by, came, can, come, could, day, did, do, down, first, for, from, get, go, going, got, had, has, have, he, her, here, him, his, I, if, in, into, is, it, just, like, little, look, made, make, me, more, my, no, not, now, of, off, on, one, only, or, our, out, over, said, saw, see, she, so, some, that, the, their, them, then, there, they, this, to, two, up, very, was, we, well, went, were, what, when, where, which, who, will, with, would, you, your
Friday, July 07, 2006
The Blues
these are the lyrics we had in "The Blues" Project!
Sinceramente espero q todos tenham gostado e aprendido neste projeto!
Gostaria de agradecer
- ao meu BLUES BROTHER Flamarion,
- minha BLUES SISTER Patricia (Literatura)
- ao sempre disposto, meu amigo e BLUES BROTHER Prof. Kadu (História)
Thanx a lot,
When The Welfare Turns Its Back On You
Albert Collins
Now what you gonna do, when the welfare turn it's back on you?
Now what you gonna do-hoo-hoo-hoo, when the welfare turn it's back on you
Now, you be standin' there stranded, there's ain't a thing that you can do
Now you look all through your house, yes, you can't, find a piece of bread
Now you look all through your hou-hou-house, yeah, you can't find a piece of bread
Sometime you begin to wonder, if you be better off, better off, dead
You go down to the welfare
Give 'em one, two report
Something they sellin' you
Will surely get your goat
If you tell 'em you sick
You better have a bad cough
'Cause if you don't
They be ready to throw you off
What you gonna do, when the welfare turns it's back on you?
You be standin' there stranded,
There ain't a thing, there ain't a thing you
There ain't a thing-hing-hing-hing-hing,
that you can do
Born Under A Bad Sign
Albert King
One, two
Born under a bad sign
I been down since I begin to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all
Hard luck and trouble is my only friend
I been on my own ever since I was ten
Born under a bad sign
I been down since I begin to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all
I can't read, haven't learned how to write
My whole life has been one big fight
I ain't lyin'
If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have no kind-a luck
If it wasn't for real bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all
Wine and women is all I crave
A big legged woman is gonna carry me to my grave
Born under a bad sign
I been down since I begin to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all
Yeah, my bad luck boy
Been havin' bad luck all of my days, yes
Get Off My Back Woman
B.B. King
Yeah, you get off of my back, baby
Can't you tell you're choking me
Oh I ain't no pony, baby
Can't you tell you're choking me
Yeah, you just get off of my back, baby
Can't you see you're hurting me
Well, I don't mind helping you, baby
Every now, now and then
Yes, you ain't helped yourself, baby
Since God knows when
So you just get off of my back now, baby
Can't you see you're hurting me
Yes, I'm standing here telling you, baby
This is the end of the line
Yes, I'm tired of you riding me, baby
I declare I ain't lying
So you just get off of my back, baby
Can't you see you're hurting me
Well, you get off, get off, get off, baby
'Cause you're a heavy, heavy load
Yes, you can catch yourself
Another ride, baby
Somewhere further down the road
You just get off, get off, baby
Can't you see you're hurting me
Sky Is Crying
Albert King
The sky is cryin', look at the tears roll down the street
The sky is cryin', look at the tears roll down the street
I been lookin' for my baby, yeah, an' I wonder where can she be
I saw my baby early one mornin', an' she was walkin' on down the street
I saw my baby early one mornin', an' she was walkin' on down the street
You know it hurt me so bad, yeah, it made my poor heart skip a beat
I got a bad feelin', my baby don't love me no more
I got a real bad, bad feelin', my baby don't love me no more
You know the sky is cryin', yeah, the tears rollin' down my nose
The sky is cryin', look at the tears roll down the street
Backwater Blues
Bessie Smith
When it rains five days and the skies turn dark as night
When it rains five days and the skies turn dark as night
Then trouble's takin' place in the lowlands at night
I woke up this mornin', can't even get out of my door
I woke up this mornin', can't even get out of my door
There's been enough trouble to make a poor girl wonder where she want to go
Then they rowed a little boat about five miles 'cross the pond
Then they rowed a little boat about five miles 'cross the pond
I packed all my clothes, throwed them in and they rowed me along
When it thunders and lightnin' and when the wind begins to blow
When it thunders and lightnin' and the wind begins to blow
There's thousands of people ain't got no place to go
Then I went and stood upon some high old lonesome hill
Then I went and stood upon some high old lonesome hill
Then looked down on the house were I used to live
blues done call me to pack my things and go
Backwater blues done call me to pack my things and go
'Cause my house fell down and I can't live there no more
Mmm, I can't move no more
Mmm, I can't move no more
There ain't no place for a poor old girl to go
Thursday, April 13, 2006
internet class
parece q vc achou. agora eh soh curtir o texto e verificar se suas hipotese estavam corretas. no final dele tem um link para vc ler o texto na íntegra e ateh ouvir se assim desejar!
boa leitura!!

Desperate Feminist Wives
Why wanting equality makes women unhappy.By Meghan O'Rourke
Posted Monday, March 6, 2006, at 7:35 PM ET
In The Feminine Mystique, the late Betty Friedan attributed the malaise of married women largely to traditionalist marriages in which wives ran the home and men did the bread-winning. Her book helped spark the sexual revolution of the 1970s and fueled the notion that egalitarian partnerships—where both partners have domestic responsibilities and pursue jobs—would make wives happier. Last week, two sociologists at the University of Virginia published an exhaustive study of marital happiness among women that challenges this assumption. Stay-at-home wives, according to the authors, are more content than their working counterparts. And happiness, they found, has less to do with division of labor than with the level of commitment and "emotional work" men contribute (or are perceived to contribute). But the most interesting data may be that the women who strongly identify as progressive—the 15 percent who agree most with feminist ideals—have a harder time being happy than their peers, according to an analysis that has been provided exclusively to Slate. Feminist ideals, not domestic duties, seem to be what make wives morose. Progressive married women—who should be enjoying some or all of the fruits that Freidan lobbied for—are less happy, it would appear, than women who live as if Friedan never existed.