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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

(QUICKIE 17) Subway: Five Dollar Footlong Monster

Jingle Hell

The diabolical geniuses behind Subway's "five-dollar foot-long" song.
By Seth Stevenson
Posted Monday, April 21, 2008, at 7:21 AM ET

The Spot: Various people and creatures (a police officer, a flight attendant, a Godzilla-type monster) hold up five fingers and then, using their outstretched palms, indicate a distance of roughly one foot. Meanwhile, a song plays. The lyrics, repeated again and again: "Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-long."

For a limited time, Subway is offering a special deal: foot-long subs for $5. Foot-longs were once Subway's "stock in trade," according to Chief Marketing Officer Tony Pace, but in recent years the smaller 6-inch subs have overtaken them in popularity. (The 6-inchers are often sold as part of a package deal—including a drink and a snack—designed to compete with other fast food outlets' value meals.) "We wanted to get back to our heritage," says Pace, "as a place where you can get a foot-long sub."



1) A palavra "their" em: "...using their outstretched palms..." refere-se a:

a) Godzilla

b) people

c) five fingers

d) people and creatures

e) flight attendant

2) A palavra "extended" poderia ser colocada no texto substituindo, sem alteraçao de sentido

a) roughly

b) overtaken

c) outstretched

d) meanwhile

e) outlets

3) O texto:

a) Descreve um comercial de um novo produto da Subway.

b) Anuncia a estréia de um novo filme.

c) Informa sobre os perigos da "fast food" para a saúde.

d) Critica a diminuição no tamanho do sanduíche.

e) Critica o aumento no preço do sanduíche.

4) De acordo com o texto, "people and creatures hold up five fingers" para:

a) informar o preço do produto.

b) informar o tamanho do produto.

c) convencer as pessoas a pararem de consumir "fast food".

d) demonstrar as 5 vantagens da promoção.

e) informar preço e tamanho do produto.


1- d

2 - deixa de preguiça e usa o dicionário do blog. Digita no dicionário a palavra da alternativa que vc acha q está certa e confere! TE LIGA!!

3 - a

4- BONÍSSIMA pergunta!
se você assistiu o video, nao é preciso nem pensar muito para responder letra 'e'.
mas se você ler o seguinte trecho:

"...indicate a distance of roughly one foot. Meanwhile, a song plays. The lyrics, repeated again and again: "Five. Five dollar. Five dollar foot-long...."

verá que as palavras em negrito ajudam a chegar na letra 'e'!!

that's all folks!!


Teacher Pyta

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