Breast cancer clearly has a genetic component, but "routine environmental exposures and lifestyle may play a major role," according to a recent ground-breaking study by the Silent Spring Institute and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The study, published in Cancer, a journal of the American Cancer Society, uncovers 216 common chemicals that cause breast tumors in animals and reviews medical literature, including some studies that reveal environmental factors to be influential "in the vast majority of cancers."
Tobacco Smoke
Like car and truck exhaust, tobacco smoke is a source of many PAHs. Among these are dibenz[a,h]anthracene, considered by EPA to be “probably carcinogenic to humans” as well as mutagenic — meaning that it can cause genes to mutate. It’s laced with many other cancer-causing substances as well, such as dibenzo[def,p]chrysene.
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Just as components of car exhaust have been linked to breast cancer and a long list of other illnesses, air pollution from refineries and coal plants also compounds the load. Researchers studying air pollution in Erie and Niagara counties in New York State found a higher risk of breast cancer among post-menopausal women whose birth addresses were near locations recording higher levels of PAHs. The researchers, who used historic air pollution data dating back to the 1960s to measure these trends, thus suggest that exposure in early life to high levels of PAHs may increase one's risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.
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Most everyone agrees that limiting alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of breast cancer, but the connections get stronger with each new study. Natural cancer-causing substances—primarily urethanes—are found in alcohol, including wine and ale beers. In a recent analysis of six studies that examined 322,647 women, each additional 10 g of alcohol consumed equated to an added 9 percent risk of breast cancer.
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In 2005, the National Toxicology Program classified x-rays and gamma radiation as causing cancer in humans, but ionizing radiation has long been regarded as the most established environmental risk factor for breast cancer.
We're exposed to x-radiation from medical x-rays, mammograms and other radiopharmaceutical treatments. Though these technologies offer great benefits, unnecessary exposure should be avoided.
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Researchers broadly agree that women’s exposures to natural estrogens over time increases the risk of breast cancer. However, it is only recently that synthetic estrogen and progesterone have been linked to a higher risk for breast cancer.
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Disinfecting products used to clean water help kill bacteria and keep disease in check. However, Silent Spring researchers caution that some disinfection byproducts of chlorinating water cause mammary tumors in rodents. There’s strong evidence for their causing cancer in humans as well. Likewise, many drinking water systems across the U.S. have been found to be contaminated by pesticides and dry cleaning chemicals.
Stain-resistant and flame-retardant chemicals have found their way into our lives—in our carpeting, furniture, clothing, cookware, cosmetics, lubricants, paints, and adhesives. Widely detected in blood samples in the US, PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) has been found to cause breast cancer in animals and is under further investigation.
By Francesca Lyman for MSN Health & Fitness>1=10514
01. No texto acima, alguns subtítulos foram retirados. Relacione o número do parágrafo com o subtítulo adequado e marque a alternativa que melhor representa esta relação de acordo com o texto.
Parágrafo Subtítulo
1 ..................................... ( a ) Household Chemicals
2 ..................................... ( b ) Ionizing Radiation
3 ..................................... ( c ) DrinkingWater Contaminants
4 ..................................... ( d ) Industrial Combustion Sources
5 ..................................... ( e ) DrinkingAlcohol
6 ..................................... ( f ) Hormone Supplements
a) 1 c - 2 e - 3 f - 4 c - 5 b - 6 a
b) 1 d - 2 b - 3 a - 4 f - 5 c - 6 d
c) 1 d - 2 e - 3 b - 4 f - 5 c - 6 a
d) 1 d - 2 e - 3 f - 4 b - 5 c - 6 a
e) 1 e - 2 d - 3 b - 4 f - 5 a - 6 c
02. Apartir da leitura do texto, escolha o título adequado:
a) Breast cancer and prevention.
b) Breast cancer and teenagers workers.
c) Breast cancer suspects.
d) Breast cancer researchers.
e) Breast cancer treatments
03 Apalavra "role", (destacada no texto) poderia ser traduzida como:
a) doença
b) papel
c) cura
d) rolo
e) regra
veja a correção das questões 2 e 3!
4. Os vocábulos "disinfecting" (destacado no texto) e "cleaning", (destacado no texto) , receberam sufixação pela mesma razão que:
a) including (destacado no texto) e causing (destacado no texto)
b) limiting (destacado no texto) e meaning (destacado no texto)
c) according (destacado no texto) e including (destacado no texto)
d) causing (destacado no texto) e drinking (destacado no texto)
e) meaning (destacado no texto) e drinking (destacado no texto)
05. Segundo o texto, é correto afirmar que:
a) Os pesquisadores raramente concordam que exposições a estrogênio natural aumentem o
risco de câncer de mama.
b) Substâncias químicas causadoras de câncer demama estão ao nosso redor todos os dias.
c) PFOA é um órgão do governo americano que pesquisa substâncias causadoras de câncer
de mama.
d) Os pesquisadores informam que a data histórica de maior poluição do ar foi 1960.
e) Umas das formas de evitar o câncer é desinfetar os produtos para matar as bactérias.
06. Marque a alternativa que possui a melhor relação entre vocábulo e sentido, de acordo com o
-------- Vocábulo ------------------------------------Sentido
a) avoided (destacado no texto)---------------- to stay away from someone or something
b) regarded (destacado no texto)---------------To have special rules.
c) though (destacado no texto)---------------- To think about something.
d) increase (destacado no texto)--------------- To reduce the amount of something.
e) exhaust (destacado no texto)----------------To be tired of an activity
That's all, folks!!!
Teacher Pyta
2 comentários:
ô pyta...faz aí a do Bear IT....
só errei 3 em ING...VALEU
oi jcc_mlp
parabens pelo desempenho!
realmente os textos do peies 2 estavam num nivel muito bom, logo, ter apenas 3 erros eh um bom resultado!
se vc olhar no dicionario, vai ver q "bear" significa (entre outras coisas) suportar! por isso a resposta eh "c", como eu havia dito no campus ontem (16/12). assim q eu tiver a prova posso publicar e comentar alguma das questoes, sim! serah q vc nao tem uma roupa de urso polar pra emprestar?! hehehe!
abracao e obrigado pelo comentario!!!
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