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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


The Midlife Happiness CrisisBut don't worry—when you get old, the sun comes out again.

By Joel Waldfogel

Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa os espaços em branco!!!

Volumes of academic research measure the determinants of individual economic well-being—wages, income, and wealth. That is because money is supposed to buy not only necessities ________ (and / but /or) also happiness, in the form of iPhones and TiVos.
Except that the relationship between money and happiness turns out to be complex. People with higher incomes today report higher levels of happiness than their poorer contemporaries. At the same time, people today are far richer than earlier generations, but ________(it is / they do / they are / he is) not happier than those ________ (which / who / whose) came before them. In light of such wrinkles, a growing cadre of economists ______ (has /have / had) cut out the money middleman and moved to studying happiness directly. The latest installment in this genre is a new study by economists David Blanchflower of Dartmouth and Andrew Oswald of Warwick. They document how happiness evolves as people age. While income and wealth tend to rise steadily over the life cycle, peaking around retirement, happiness follows a U-shaped age pattern.

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