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Professor Licenciado em Letras - Língua Inglesa. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em cursos de idioma, escolas de ensino médio e cursos pré-vestibulares.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hometown Bagdad

copied from: http://healingiraq.blogspot.com/

Adel, one of the Hometown Baghdad Iraqi videobloggers, recklessly hides a video camera in his bag and goes out to film the deserted, rubbish littered streets of his neighbourhood, a Sunni stronghold in Baghdad. The guy deserves a medal for this. If he were caught sneakily filming like that by insurgents or militias, he would be executed on the spot for being a suspected "spy" for either side.
more videos at:

1 comentários:

Sabrina said...

Hy Pyta, how'sit going?
I got your message. It would be perfect if you could send them to me.
My e-mail is sabrinagroff@yahoo.com.br.
Thanks, so much.
Take care,
